Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Go Bucks

Well this weekend Baby Jimerson got it's first Buckeye gear :) Dan and Lisa Decker got him a Ohio State hat, Todd said the baby's first pic will be taken in that hat :) Cole on the other hand said that baby will NEVER wear the hat! hehe let the Michigan/Ohio war begin :)

We got together with my family this weekend, It was nice to see all of them, and the family seems to be very excited to have a little one joining the clan - I realized yesterday it is time to add a baby to the fam, when all the nieces and nephews are joining in on the adult conversations!!!!!! (and they know more then we do)

9/4 : No new symptoms, I do think I had a bit of a bladder infection yesterday though, just trying to drink more fluids, STILL REALLY TIRED!!!! trying to get used to it but it's hard!