Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well I think I have my first craving LEMONADE!! I told Todd the other day I think I have a craving, lemonade, he said I was wondering why all of a sudden there is always a pitcher of lemonade in the fridge. :)

Big brother Cole is at 6Th grade camp this week :) We will get him this weekend I bet he will be pretty tired!!!!!!!!!!

We got our bedroom painted over the weekend, onto Cole's room, then babies room :) After the rooms are painted we are going to get carpet.

I'm finally starting to get some energy back YEAH :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

7 Months to go :)

Well ONLY 7 months to go!!!!!

I put a poll up so please vote :) Will baby Jimerson be a boy or girl?

This weekend Todd had his first pregnancy dream He dreamt that he was pregnant!!!!!!!
My dreams have been very vivid only one so far about a baby though. But very strange dreams.

Still feeling great, but since it has started getting chilly out and I had to bring out my jeans, I have noticed they are starting to fit a little snug, so might need to do some clothes shopping soon.
I am finally off my antibiotics so I have an appetite again, Nothing sounded or tasted good when I was on the medicine.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A new Date

The Doc gave me a new due date this time April 18th which is neat because Todd's birthday is Feb 18th, Cole's is Nov 18th and my parents wedding Anniversary is April 18th :)

I let him know about the light brown spotting I had the other day, and he decided to skip the exam and just do an ultrasound, I was not worried until I could see his concern then I got very worried everything is fine though, the heart beat was good and he said there is only one, unless the other one is a really good hider :) So next time I go I will have the full exam :(

It was so neat to see how big the baby has grown in just a few weeks :)

Oh by the way MYSTERY SOLVED "My Boys can Swim was a gift from Miss Shannon Veeder :) Thanks Shannon really cute book (and believe it or not Todd is actually reading it) I also got the "Pregnancy Bible" from my sister Becky today another book Todd might read (lets just say lots of photographs of nake women ;)) but it's neat show pics of the baby each week :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

A Mystery and a Dream

Well first of all yesterday Todd and I got a gift in the mail, a book called "My Boys Can Swim A guys guide to pregnancy" No name, no card the mystery begins, my guess is my mom, Todd's guess is his cousin Marla (which I can also see) It's a really cute book though so thanks to whoever it was.

Last night I had my first pregnancy dream, I dreamed that we walked into a hospital, went to the front desk and they handed us a baby swaddled in a blue blanket , the baby was defiantly a girl though, ( a beautiful girl might I add) then the blanket it was swaddled in turned pink. I wish that's how it was though, just go and pick up your baby don't have to do the delivery part but yes it was only a dream ;)

9/8 : I was put on an antibiotic for 7 days for a UTI (if I don't eat allot with the med i get a sour belly, so I make sure I have a full stomach when I take it) Since Wednesday I have been fighting a bad cold, stinks becasue I can't take anything and I have to just tough it out. I am feeling better today though

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Go Bucks

Well this weekend Baby Jimerson got it's first Buckeye gear :) Dan and Lisa Decker got him a Ohio State hat, Todd said the baby's first pic will be taken in that hat :) Cole on the other hand said that baby will NEVER wear the hat! hehe let the Michigan/Ohio war begin :)

We got together with my family this weekend, It was nice to see all of them, and the family seems to be very excited to have a little one joining the clan - I realized yesterday it is time to add a baby to the fam, when all the nieces and nephews are joining in on the adult conversations!!!!!! (and they know more then we do)

9/4 : No new symptoms, I do think I had a bit of a bladder infection yesterday though, just trying to drink more fluids, STILL REALLY TIRED!!!! trying to get used to it but it's hard!